Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Favorite Things...

Matt's Principal from high school gave us these abnormally enormous salt and pepper shakers for our wedding (yes, he was in the Principal's office that much ;))- and I'll never go back.  They make me smile every time I see them.

IKEA napkin holder.  Something about this cute little knob with the wire attached makes me happy.  Apparently I'm not the only one.  Everyone we have over for dinner comments on it.  Love it.

And last, but definitely not least, our cute little adopted nephew who lives next door.  We sure love this little boy and his sweet personality.  I think I heard him finally say my name the other night instead of Matt's it sounded something like fephie.  :)  These pictures are also for his adorable mom.

 LOVE this little face.

I think this picture so perfectly depicts the life of a little boy... keys, truck, shorts, band aid, snow boots.


Katie said...

Ha! So cute! He seriously loves you guys.

Lauren Rawlings said...

I love those salt and pepper shakers too! I can't wait until I get my own house and get to buy cool things like that to go inside.

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

That last picture is the PERFECT depiction of a little boys life hehehe!!