Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bridal Shower

Stephie Lynne, Aunt Janet, and I threw a bridal shower for Matt's little sister Stacie.  Christian and Stacie met in eighth grade and remained friends through high school and throughout his mission.  On Friday they will tie the knot forever and we were so excited to throw a shower to celebrate the beginning of their life together.  Since pictures are worth a thousand words, I'll keep the text to a minimum.

Red Velvet Cupcakes

Strawberries and Dip

Ariel - Cousin, Stacie, Courtney - Cousin

Stacie being showered with gifts

Stephanie - Sister

Baby Finn - Cousin and cutest baby ever.

Grandma Purcell, Janet - Aunt, Me, Stephie Lynne - Sister

Mom, Grandma Purcell, Aunt Janet

Stephanie - Sister, Stacie - Sister and Bride, Me, Stephie Lynne - Sister

Most of the people at the shower - I took the picture :)
Thanks for letting us celebrate with you!


Steve and Nicole said...

Stephanie, I don't know if you even remember me from glenwood but you are still as pretty as ever! Cute pictures!

Katie said...

The decorations turned out way cute. Good job!