Thursday, September 15, 2011

Macaroni Salad

My mom used to make this all the time when I was growing up and I LOVE it.  It may be a bit of an acquired taste though (aka Matt hates it :) ).  Last week I decided to make an entire batch just for me.  It feels good to be selfish sometimes.  I even ate it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner one day.  I seriously love this stuff.
So, this recipe is more of a list of ingredients that you can add according to your personal taste.  If you like green olives, you should try this salad!

16 oz mini pasta shells
sliced green olives
sliced green onions (smaller the better)
chopped green peppers (smaller the better)
cubed cheese
dill weed

YUM!  I think I'm going to make it again next week...


Katie said...

I'm not a huge fan of macaroni salad, but i might try this just for the green olives.

Erica said...

YUMMY!!! This is one of my favorites too! It is kind of nice that Matt does not like it ... MORE for YOU!!! ENJOY!! :-)