Saturday, September 12, 2009

Forks WA:

Then we drove to Forks, WA. Don't worry this wasn't my suggestion... The whole twilight thing there was kind of lame... they didn't film ANY of the movie there. Apparently they claim that her truck is there, but when we asked them about it they said it was the truck from the book, not the movie...? Anyway, they were totally milking it for all it was worth - which made it even MORE lame :) Oh well, we still had fun.

The sign in front of the place where we stayed :)

Stacie, Matt and I all slept in here... Poor Michael had to sleep on the couch because Stacie wouldn't let him sleep next to her.


Kalli said...

Actually, I believe a girl from Dallas owns the truck from the movie now. It was on the news here. Her parents bought it for her for her birthday (can you say spoiled?), and now she charges money to have it available at Twilight parties and stuff. Don't worry, she donates all the money to charity.

Good to know about Forks, though. I guess I'll cancel my reservations.

Lauren Rawlings said...

I am still jealous you got to go there...

Linnea said...

Hahah...we went to Forks during our Washington vacation too this summer. We didn't stay there though - my grandparents have cabin on the coast about two hours away that we were staying at, and we decided on a whim to drive over to Forks. I can't imagine staying there - we were done looking at everything after about an hour. Hehe. Fun stuff, though!