Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's Overflowing!!

On Sunday we had my parents down to our apartment for dinner.  I made some amazing chicken enchiladas.  Matt helped me and we altered the recipe a little so I'll have to post that another time.

After dinner we decided to go for a walk along the Provo River because it's SO high right now.  We went for a nice drive up the canyon to get there.  During our last ~six weeks in Utah I'm doing my best to take it all in. 

I'm definitely going to miss the mountains.  Aren't they breathtaking?

I had to get a picture of the overflowing river.  That's a tree, just left of center, but all you can see are the leaves and branches - no trunk.

And, I thought these were pretty sweet.  There were five or six of them just along the trail where we walked.  I'm assuming people just didn't want them anymore and pushed them over the edge?  These cars were ancient.  Look at the steering wheel!  You can also see how high the river is on this tree trunk.

Don't you just love this house on the river?  What a gorgeous setting.  I really hope they don't get flooded though!

Mom and Dad on our walk :)  They are so cute.

We decided that we really need to kayak the Provo river before we move... and thus the "things to do before we move" list begins.


The Hansen's said...

Hopefully you get out of here before the floods come! I am so excited for you guys to start your new adventure!

Mateers said...

We miss the mountains all the time!! We've even though of moving just for mountains like Switzerland or Canada :)