Friday, September 27, 2013

IVF #6: Transfer, Bed Rest and the Wait!

I wrote all of these posts on the dates listed before each entry, but we weren't ready to post them until now.  If you know the outcome of our IVF, please don't give it away in the comments until after the "IVF #7: Results are In!" post has been posted.

Sunday, July 28
Today Dr. Foulk came in and did another ultrasound to see the status of my fluid build up.  He said it was looking like things were calming down and there shouldn't be anything to stop us from doing the transfer.  We talked about the risk of the OHSS coming back and Matt was worried about me going back to Indiana by myself and not being able to take care of myself while I was sick.  Dr. Foulk said after a positive pregnancy test we could come in for another ultrasound and if there was more fluid building up then we could extend my FMLA so I could be here with Matt and have family to take care of me for another OHSS flair up.  We were again given unbelievably good news about the quantity and quality of our 5-day embryos (actually blastocysts at this point).

Then Matt asked him his all important question, "If she were your daughter, would you recommend that we do the transfer today?"  Dr. Foulk said he definitely would.  Dr. Foulk left the room to give us a minute to talk.  We prayed and talked for a minute and both felt really strongly that we should proceed with the transfer.

I was given a Val.ium and taken back out to the waiting room for 30 minutes while we waited for the Val.ium to kick in.  The next parts are blurry because I was a little out of it.  I do know that we were taken back to a procedure room.  Then the embryologist came in with our two little embryos in a catheter.  They were too small to see with the naked eye, but they put air bubbles between them so we could see where they were placed on the ultrasound.  Then they took the catheter back to the lab to check under a microscope and make sure they weren't still in the catheter.  I think I remember Dr. Foulk making some joke about visualizing our embryos as little Pac Men attaching to my uterine wall.  Ha!  We love that guy.

What a miracle we experienced today!  We feel so, so blessed.  The Lord is definitely watching out for our little family.  We came home and I slept for most of the day.  Burrow in little embryos!  We love you already!

Monday, July 29
Today was my first full day of bed rest.  My sweet mom came over, brought me lunch, and spent the day hanging out with me and taking care of me.  She's the best.  I'm feeling pretty good so far!

Tuesday, July 30
Today was my second full day of bed rest.  My mom brought lunch again and spent the afternoon doing laundry and helping me clean.  It's been so great to have her company and her help.  She is my hero.

Wednesday, July 31
I've been having some cramping.  I talked to the nurse and she said it's TOTALLY normal.  It's not super fun, but hopefully it's a good sign! :)  I've also been having some insomnia and a case of restless legs which is obnoxious and weird for me since I can usually sleep whenever, wherever!  Only one more week until our first pregnancy blood test!

Sunday, August 4
I've just been trying not to think about the blood test on Wednesday.  It's hard to have 100% hope and faith while still trying to protect my heart from another disappointment.  Here's to hoping for fabulous news!


Aubrey Hatch said...
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Kandace said...

I'm so anxious for the post tomorrow. Hoping for nothing but the best news! You are amazing for sharing your journey with all of us!

Bryan and Sarah said...

It's so amazing that we have the technology to help infertile couples. So cool! I think this should be covered by insurance. I'd vote for it!