Thursday, November 13, 2008

Today I'm Thankful to...

Today I'm thankful to live in this great country. The other night Matt said to me, "Aren't we so blessed to live in this great country? Like, we don't deserve it blessed." I love to see people protesting, in a respectful way, because it means we have free speech - even if I don't agree with what they are protesting for. Even though he didn't get my vote - I'm glad that Obama won BECAUSE the American people voted for him. It would be a lot worse if it was a dictatorship and we had no say in the next president. I hope he works to protect our freedoms and our future. We are so blessed to be able to disagree with our leaders and to be able to speak out in support of or against ideals that we happen to agree or disagree with. This blessing combined with the knowledge that for those who do what is right the future is bright, gives me hope and confidence in our future despite perilous times. And for this - I am grateful.


Landon and Julie said...