Thursday, July 5, 2012

I Would Die for That

I have to preface this video with the statement, that I'm not a fan of most country songs.  Even this one has a little too much twang for my liking, but it was too good not to share.  I'm so grateful for the divine nature we have been blessed with as women to long for motherhood.  

This is for all my sweet friends who die a little inside every month when they still aren't pregnant, and for those who have come out on the other side.  I love how this video portrays the heartache, while still conveying hope.  Grab some tissues!


tdyhtrfyhrt;hjr said...

Pretty sure I bawled my eyes out while watching this. What a moving video. I hope you know I think of you often, Stephanie. :) thanks for sharing this, I love your blog!!

Rach said...

Loved it. Thanks Steph. :-)

Christal said...

Beautiful song. I'm so sorry about this trial you're going through. You are awesome though! Thanks for sharing.

kenna said...

i echo your post. i don't like country normally, but this song got me.

you are a beautiful person.

The Martin Family said...

I love country music and I love you, Steph! XOXO

Liz Johnson said...

That was a beautiful video. I wish I knew how to make this horrible trial go away for you guys.