Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas 2012: Mormon Tabernacle Choir Concert

I can't believe it had been a YEAR since I'd been back to Utah--WAY too long if you ask me!  It won't be longer than six months between visits from here on out.  I had really been hoping for a white Christmas and Utah didn't waste anytime.  We woke up to this winter wonderland the first day!
Oh how I love that powdery goodness!

Matt was happy to knock the snow off the trees and shovel the driveway

I can't believe I'm married to this hottie!  ;)  Isn't his handsome smile completely contagious?  

This is my mom--she's ridiculously cute and fun!

Seems like the perfect day for shopping huh? :)

After a full day of Christmas shopping we made our way downtown for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert!

Alfie Boe was incredible and we loved every second of it!

And, we got to sit next to this cute couple.
That's my brother, Sterling, and his cute wife, Hayley.

We didn't mind seeing the gorgeous lights on Temple Square while we were downtown either.

Sterling didn't waste anytime snuggling up to Matt  ;)

Love these two!

All that on our first day in Utah??  Stay tuned--it gets better!


My boy and I said...

Loved all your pictures and the snow was definitely amazing! I'm excited for your other posts on your trip!